The one minute wonder

What could possibly fascinate so many people about an online game that only lasts a minute? I will confess, I am just as guilty as the next person. One minute to score my best and hit the top of the leader board.

The thing is, what else can you accomplish in just one minute? Practically nothing. Can't even make a cup of tea in a minute. Not enough time to chew out your kids. Can't create world peace. Can't even sharpen a pencil. But you can score as high as 800,000 or more at Bejeweled Blitz, the Facebook wonder game. For some it's a great little diversion at work, playing in silence. Doesn't work for me, I enjoy all the sound effects too much. My husband likes to sing while he plays. Makes up the most incredibly stupid songs. Is that a good thing? Quite probably, as I often laugh so hard I cry. My friends play. Old friends, some going back well, to childhood. And we can compete across vast distances, ultimately allowing one of us to once again sing the old victory cry "nyah nyah I win!"

I can't even get the mail from the mailbox in a minute, but I can kick my hubby's butt at Bejeweled. One minute and I rule!

Perhaps therein lies the fascination. It requires very little skill, and very little time. But provides a whole lot of entertainment and an enormously inflated sense of accomplishment. All in a minute's time.

There's only one drawback I can think of. What you ask? I'll let you know in a minute. Just one more game...


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