But it's not time yet!

Not only are the holidays pushed on us earlier and earlier every year (thanks Macy's) but we don't have to go there. The day after Thanksgiving for many is Black Friday. A day to shop. All hail shopping. But wait. There is no more Black Friday. Thanksgiving is no longer the Holiday we give thanks in preparation for our shopping extravaganza. It's just a day we try to shovel in some food real fast so we can get to the store.


I say it every year. Your 2 year old does not need or give two shits about that doll you have to have. Your 13 year old's smart phone is fine as it is.
Your 19 year old should be out job hunting not camping out for an XBox.
Your partner doesn't need anything except you by their side, hopefully in good health.

And whether it's a beautiful Golden Turkey or a beautiful Vegan meal that is the centerpiece, makes no difference. Thanksgiving is about giving thanks to whomever... the gods, mother nature, your parents, your ancestors, the doc who spotted the cancer in time... hell, thank anyone you like. But remember what you're thanking them for.

Everyone has something to be grateful for. And I'll be damned if I ever in my lifetime will be grateful for a gift that doesn't intrinsically make my world a better place to be.

So yesterday, when once again, I failed to create an Apple Pie worthy of serving at a holiday meal, I didn't care. Hubby said rename it and ditch the pie plate. "It's not pie," he said, "but it's damn good!"

Alright then. Let the contest begin. What we have here is an amazing Apple Pecan bake of some sort. It's delicious. Seriously delicious. And worthy of serving to the "gluten grain sugar free" important people in your life. Because keeping them healthy is great... but only for a life worth living. Which does not include pie out of a box or gifts bought on Thanksgiving day. So please dear readers give me a name for this:

Preheat oven to 350F
2 cups chopped raw pecans
3 tablespoons melted Organic butter
1 tablespoon Swerve or whatever sweetener floats your boat.

Mix nuts, butter and sweetener until well blended. Press with the back of a spoon into a pie plate, or a square plate, or any kind at this point who cares. Just press it flat and together so there are no wholes. It's gonna be a crust. I promise. It just might fall apart later.
Bake 10 to 12 minutes until firm, then let cool for a few minutes. Freeze until filling is done.

Filling: COOK SEPARATELY ( if you don't you'll have soggy crust that turns to mush)
5-6 medium Granny Smith Apples, peeled, cored and sliced
1 Tablespoon Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice (not the bottled stuff, please)
3/4 cup granulated Swerve
2 Teaspoons Cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons Almond Flour, sifted
Handful of Raw pecans, coarsely chopped.

Place sliced apples in large mixing bowl and toss in Lemon juice. In separate bowl mix Swerve/sugar, cinnamon, salt and flour. Pour over apples and toss lightly. Place apples in  covered baking dish and cook 40 minutes at 350F. Remove from oven and let cool.

Place filling on crust, over crust.... whichever... and then top with a handful of pecans. Bake about 10 minutes at 425 until the apples and topping begin to brown. Done. Remove.

Serve with a dollop of homemade whipped cream:
1/2 cup heavy whipping cream (organic), tablespoon swerve confectioners and 1/2 teaspoon vanilla.
Beat until it looks good and throw it on the unnamed dessert.

Yep, the pie slicer didn't work. My crust just crumbled. And who really cared. It was so good hubby wanted a bowl instead. I haven't given up. I will get you a pie recipe. But for now... this will definitely make you happy. Diabetics... FYI woke up to a 92 meter reading. Yee ha.


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