this is soooooo good

Right now I'm just sitting at a kitchen table, with an absolutely heavenly smell emanating from the oven. I have no idea what it will turn out to be. Total experiment. But anything that smells this good has got to taste even better. 

I don't know anything about the science of cooking. Never went to culinary school. Don't have a professional photographer to doctor up my blog photos. They are what they are. But since I do this for nobody  but me, and my friends and readers who still love to eat but wonder what's left in the nutritional cupboard that won't kill them... I don't have to concern myself with those details. 

So this is all about that work in progress I've got going. I want a snack bar. One packed with protein, and a little chocolate, that tastes yummy and won't hurt me. Sure they sell them in the stores. But I cannot pronounce the ingredients, let alone define them. So no way. 

So here's what batch one looked like. 

Then batch 2

Then batch three. Smaller pan, thicker crust. Um, nope. Way too much on the chocolate, not enough crust. And not enough flavor to counter the chocolate.
They sure look as good as they tasted though. I mean tasted as good as they looked!
Don't get me wrong, all of these were at least a 9 on the chocometer.

But I wanted more. So this time I went all out on the experimentation.

Crust. Check.
Tell me that doesn't look like a macadamia nut cookie. Yum.

Topping. Check.

Deliciousness. Double quadruple check. I think I've discovered the ultimate cookie bar. Only half the calories and 1 gram of sugar. And I ate two. To celebrate the loss of another 2 pounds.  Click below for the recipe.


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