I know the buzz today is all about Amy Winehouse. Yeah. I'm sorry she made bad choices too. But in Norway 93 or more people who made good choices are also gone. And will be sorely missed. Their potential will never be known. One, maybe 10 might also have become voices of a generation. So take a moment and express your sadness that one lone misguided singer wasted her talent and her life, and then maybe take a few more if you can spare them to mourn the loss of almost one hundred souls at the hands of a Norwegian madman. You can write off the Norwegian as a crazed lone gunman. Like Jared Loughner. Maybe. But, perhaps not so coincidentally, their insane ideology was identical. Breivik, who admitted to the shooting spree and bomb blast, has said through his lawyer that his actions aimed to "change Norwegian society" which he saw as being undermined by multi-culturalism. That is a frightening statement for anyone to hear, in any country. But here in the US, the hairs on y...
Here in Arizona we have a problem. The lunatics are in the hall. First, they are shutting down our educational system one giant step at a time. Destroying our children's future. Wasting our taxpayer dollars and then blaming the taxpayers. And punishing the kids. It's immoral, indecent, and insane. Now the crazies in Phoenix have passed SB 1070. The most ridiculous, scary, immigration bill ever. And costly. I am going to state at the outset, yes, we need immigration reform, and we need border security. We need to quell the influx of drug runners and criminal border crossers. Having said that, this law is absurd, bordering on fascist. If you don't look American, then you might just get stopped on the sidewalk and asked for your papers. Yeah. Be careful when you come down and visit our beautiful sunny state. Wear lots of sunblock. If you have too good a tan they might just profile you. And if your city isn't doing enough of this, you can sue them. And if you're c...
For those who stop by my blog to feed their bellies... today it's about feeding your soul. So if your soul is well nourished... don't keep reading. I'm on a rant today. And if you find something that offends you, so be it. This is my space. My blog. And my rant. You might try to ignore what the politicians in DC are doing. It might seem to be the same old stuff. Fighting a battle that only exists in their minds. Derived from their quest for control and power. Let's keep things simple. The job of our government, as laid out by our founding fathers, is relatively simple. Provide infrastructure and security to ensure the welfare of our citizens. Let's define welfare. Well-being. You know, a population that has the basic tools for a decent life. Food. Education. Opportunity. The right to live a decent, whole life. The ability to call a doctor if you need to. And the chance to share in the miracles of modern science such as a vaccine that can keep you in good ...
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