It's been a great year, warts and all.
So we all sit here on December 31st thinking similar thoughts. Or not so much. Some are depressed, thinking they haven't accomplished much. Some hopeful, thinking of all they will. Some just trying to figure out who the designated driver is.
Me? All of the above except the driving part. Not going out. At first, that seemed depressing. But then I figure my family and friends will stop by, we'll have our usual boring New Year's Eve, enjoyable only for the company we keep, but still not the most exciting event in town. But this year, no one is stopping by. No one is coming over to wish us a Happy New Year or help pass the time while we wait for the ball to drop somewhere in the world so we can have an excuse to go to sleep.
And it's really okay.
Recent events have once again delivered unto me one of life's most valuable lessons, for the umpteenth time. I need not recount them here. Some have made the news. Other's more personal. I will wager though that every single one of us knows someone who has been touched by tragedy this year.
So on this December 31, I am abundantly grateful for this past year, warts and all.
I have my family. I will be home tonight with my husband of almost 25 years and at least for a little while, my two beautiful daughters. In fantasy land we'd have Miller Family Fun night and break out the Scrabble. Yeah, um, no.
One daughter of course has plans to go elsewhere for the celebrating part.
The other will probably disappear as well. At 20 she thinks we have 3 eyes and some sort of contagious disease called old age.
Hubby and I? We're going to party like rock stars. Live music. Great food. Lots of laughs.
In other words, we'll probably take over our daughter's Rock Band 3
, as we've done daily since Christmas, raise a glass of sparkling cider and when 10PM rolls around we'll hide all the evidence of our wild party and lay down for a long winter's nap. One eye open of course till both kids are safely tucked in bed.
Here's the point. If, on December 31, 2012 (assuming the world hasn't ended) I have what I have today, I will need nothing more to truthfully say "it's been a great year, and here's to one more."
Me? All of the above except the driving part. Not going out. At first, that seemed depressing. But then I figure my family and friends will stop by, we'll have our usual boring New Year's Eve, enjoyable only for the company we keep, but still not the most exciting event in town. But this year, no one is stopping by. No one is coming over to wish us a Happy New Year or help pass the time while we wait for the ball to drop somewhere in the world so we can have an excuse to go to sleep.
And it's really okay.
Recent events have once again delivered unto me one of life's most valuable lessons, for the umpteenth time. I need not recount them here. Some have made the news. Other's more personal. I will wager though that every single one of us knows someone who has been touched by tragedy this year.
So on this December 31, I am abundantly grateful for this past year, warts and all.
I have my family. I will be home tonight with my husband of almost 25 years and at least for a little while, my two beautiful daughters. In fantasy land we'd have Miller Family Fun night and break out the Scrabble. Yeah, um, no.
One daughter of course has plans to go elsewhere for the celebrating part.
The other will probably disappear as well. At 20 she thinks we have 3 eyes and some sort of contagious disease called old age.
Hubby and I? We're going to party like rock stars. Live music. Great food. Lots of laughs.
In other words, we'll probably take over our daughter's Rock Band 3
Here's the point. If, on December 31, 2012 (assuming the world hasn't ended) I have what I have today, I will need nothing more to truthfully say "it's been a great year, and here's to one more."
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