The Final Five

So we're down to the final five. Or more than likely, the almost final final five. Let's just say we've sent in applications to 5 institutions of higher learning. Now I say we, and some of you are cringing and wagging your finger at the screen, shaking your head, wanting to knock some sense into me. I didn't really help her with the applications did I? I didn't help her research did I? Damn straight I did. This ain't my first rodeo you know. I've been down this road before. Or in this case, these roads, many of them, as we criss-cross the country looking for the perfect school.

Now I know hubby and I are being played here. I get it. Our daughter has a yen for traveling. But those traveling shoes are back in the closet for now. Having just returned from our LAST, we hope, college road trip.

Where to? Wisconsin. Beloit. A quintessential American City Margaret Meade once declared a Microcosm of America. And it was stunning really. A beautiful place. Sure there were signs of wear and tear from the economic woes we are all suffering. But it had charm. And Beloit College was everything the literature promised. It was clean and pretty and as liberal as they come. The faculty and staff were genuinely excited about welcoming us into their community. It was, all in all, a remarkable tour.

There was a distinct personality floating around. One with an innate sense of humor. It was as if the college itself was sending out signals that only some students could hear and appreciate. Seems our daughter was one of them.

So the final list:
Beloit College
Nebraska Wesleyan
Case Western Reserve

While we're open to thoughts, ideas and suggestions, it will of course come down to who says yes, and how much they want to provide us. In dollars.

We may need to put our research hats back on and go back on road, but we're hoping not to. We're hoping that her choice chooses her. And that in the end, she has that experience of a lifetime that only a few get to truly enjoy. Because it's not really about the piece of paper she'll get. It's about being given the freedom and resources to explore the world around us.

And then turn around and use that knowledge to better the world around us.


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