And here we are.

So it seems the great earthquake that was to Rock New Zealand at 6pm on May 21st didn't. Christmas Island is spared. And most likely so are we. Camping isn't the first to give us erroneous headlines. It doesn't take much to make a small error. Everyday around the world we are told some pretty bizarre stuff. Most of the time we're intelligent enough to get past it. Just not always.

I'm still having a field day with the CDC and their response to apathy among the public. They keep trying to warn us and help us prepare for eventual calamity and we just don't pay attention. So, they figured they'd join us in our world of sensational headlines and create a blog that would surely get our attention. With Zombies. Yep, they're on the way folks, so be ready!

But all it takes to get our minds engaged it seems is to fire up our imagination. How? Simple mistakes. Carelessness on the job. Shoddy journalism, if journalism is even a profession anymore. More like Mediaism.

A little sleight of hand and foot in mouth brings you some wonderful headlines today:
Pope sneaks out with Astronauts
Ivory Soap welcomes new President
Doomsday Church Plans for Future (oh wait, that's a real one)

Point is, when a mere mortal announces he knows the day and time we will all be judged, and starts collecting money that you certainly won't need anymore, it begs the question what does he need it for? To spread the word of course. You won't hear it cause you don't have a radio anymore. Not even a car radio. Hell you gave away the car. Is Camping taking reservations? First class ride to the spirit in the sky?
Spirit In The Sky [demo]Ah yes. Some Norman Greenbaum is in order:

When I die and they lay me to rest Gonna go to the place that's the best When I lay me down to die Goin' up to the spirit in the sky

Yeah, like that. Only he's Jewish. Yep. The chosen people. Is it just me or does anyone else think when the supreme commander looks down upon us he's going to be looking for his people, not Waldo. We the chosen ones. So perhaps you ought to start going down that road and not this Colonel Campy highway to hell. You know how sequels are never quite as good as the original. And covers, well they never come close. So this book the Old Testament? Might want to stick with it if its your sort of thing.

So tonight, I'll be kicking back, gazing up at the starry starry night and listening to some excellent music. Like the title track from The Airborne Toxic Event's new album, All at Once (click the play arrow for those unfamiliar with the new click and play the whole song for free concept.)
Like it? Then please listen to my other suggestions for the soundtrack to RaptureNight 2011 in the Take a Listen box. Hope you like my selection.


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