Next stop Delaware...

OK. So still no buyers on the house. Though we did finally have a "second look" from a guy who says he's scouting for colleagues who are relocating. But this time he brought his camera and wanted photos. For his wife... seems now she's got the urge to buy a house too. So he says. I think maybe he's the one who wants the house and needs to talk her into it. I think he started out looking for his coworkers, and maybe just likes our house and wants it for himself. yeah. dream on Mary. He's probably the ringleader of a burglary gang here in crime-ridden Oro Valley. Scouting the place for valuables. Whatever. He's probably sorely disappointed with the contents of this home. Nothing but junk.

Anyway, my search for a little slice of heaven continues and lands me in Delaware. I don't think I have ever been there. Ever. I used to cruise by the Del Water Gap on the turnpike back and forth from NY to Cleveland when in school. but that's as close as I've been. Don't know how I missed it!

So Delaware. Yeah. Why? Well after that virtual house hunting in New York and the sticker shock of their property taxes, why not?!
Just to review our new home must be located near water, tennis and a Rockwellesque village or town. Doug must have a garage. I must have a fireplace. Gotta have a screened porch. 2 or more Bathrooms (we have daughters). Central Air. No Tornados. No Earthquakes. No crazy politicians. And good fresh food. Oh. And one more thing. No Cacti.

So Back to Delaware. They most definitely have water. And Tennis like you wouldn't believe. Check this out. Sea Colony. An entire beach community, newer homes with all the amenities and over 30 tennis courts to boot. Plus a wonderful touristy kitschy kind of boardwalk village to rake in the summer dollars. Nirvana.
And property taxes? Virtually non-existent. So we can have a nicer home.

Drawbacks? Education not so great. Not a lot of choices for our daughter in terms of high school. And even fewer for college, though U of Delaware is an excellent school. And I should remind everyone the main reason for the move is her education, so Delaware is really more about us not her, which is kinda sorta wrong, isn't it? Perhaps selfish? Perhaps we need to rethink our goals here. Or maybe that's just guilt rearing it's ugly head. Begone! Back off I say! Who needs guilt when you've got Bethany Beach? Yeah. I know. Better add another requirement to our list. Good Schools. Just don't know how that got removed. Hmmm. I suppose if we're adding things to the list, somewhere a bit closer to our other daughter in Vermont would be helpful too.

Stay tuned. It's a big country. And keep those suggestions coming.


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