to move or not to move

So now we struggle. We swore 3 years ago, when we built our house, our 4th house, our dream house, that this was it. No more. I am NOT moving again. Ever. That's what I said.

So as I pour through the listings of homes available back East, I wonder how it came to this. Two months ago, we went about our lives as if everything were normal. We'd weathered the recession. Sure we lived a little closer to the financial edge than we were comfortable with, but life was good. Then came the axe to the education budgets. Within weeks... undocumented concealed weapons became the law, not the crime.  And within weeks yet again, undocumented people became criminals, and grandmothers became suspects. Of what? We just don't know. Suddenly immigrants are no longer the backbone of America. They aren't lawyers or doctors. They aren't teachers or law enforcement. They aren't migrant workers or landscapers or dishwashers....they are now felons and murderers and drug dealers. With nothing more than a signature by a substitute Governor.

Our daughter's education is at risk with no funding for teachers. The economy is at risk, because who the hell wants to live here, work here, start a business here, travel here, shop here? No one. So our state coffers such as they are will dry up. The 40 some odd teachers left to teach 2000 students at the local high school will become 20.

It sucks. So we are back to house hunting. And house selling. I cannot even think about the horrors of selling our house. Declutter! Stage! Don't touch anything! Keep it perfect! Get out of the house so they can snoop through our closets. And when someone says "I'll buy" then we will go out and do the very same thing in someone else's house. Preferably somewhere cooler. And friendlier. More Tolerant. Somewhere wet. I have been 10 years on dry land, and need the cool breeze of the water. And the cooler heads of more intelligent beings.

New York, here we come.


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