Your money? or your life?

If one could just slice right through all the rhetoric, just for a moment, and take a really serious look at what is happening, maybe we could all come to a real consensus on Health Care Reform. But this morning, I was stunned by yet another quick video clip from the Tea Partiers. Dressed in their expensive suits and ties and designer dresses, they all looked quite the fashionistas. Ranting and raving about Health Care Reform. "Kill the Bill" they shout.

Yet all I can hear is the word Kill. Kill. Kill. That's what they will be doing to thousands of Americans. Killing them. Not just with their words, but with their actions. The diabetic who can no longer afford insulin. The Heart Patient who can't afford the Statins. The Cancer Patient who can't afford the Chemo. These are Real Americans. Real People. Who, for one reason or another, are not lucky enough to be insured. Nor poor enough to be taken care of under our Medicare system. Hard working Americans who simply can't part with the incredibly high cost of "Health Insurance". Particularly those who need it most.

So why shouldn't we outlaw pre-existing conditions clauses? Why shouldn't we raise rates on the sick? Well, because then it would reduce the profitability of our insurance carriers, who are in it by the way, for the money. Our health is their business. Our unhealthiness is their loss. Nuf said.

So better our fellow Americans, though hard working, though contributing members of society, though productive and wonderful people, though TAXPAYERS, should die then cost corporate America their bonus check. Or cost wealthier Americans another tax dollar. That's what this is about. Money.

So let's talk money and taxes. Our Country has a firmly entrenched fundamental policy. No Taxation WITHOUT REPRESENTATION. Nowhere did it ever imply just NO TAXATION. You can't simply remove those two words. They were there from the beginning and have significant meaning. We have representation, such as it is. But some of those "representatives" are right now trying their damndest to save the lives of the insurance companies, and KILL our friends, neighbors and families in the process. So for anyone who shouts "Kill the Bill", hopefully you don't know anyone named Bill. Cause that's probably what will happen. You'll Kill Bill. Maybe the legislation isn't perfect. Maybe it will cost us some money. So what. Just because you have insurance today doesn't mean you'll have it tomorrow. And that's the kicker.

Here's what it comes down to. Your money? or your life? Because someday, YOU will be BILL.


  1. Mary, I have two points:
    1. In Germany we have universal insurance coverage. In my opinion and based on all standard measures of health, the care is better here, covers everyone and it is much cheaper (measuring spend per person). How do we do this?: Avoid unneeded care through preventive and early care. Control of the fees doctors are allowed to charge (they complain but they are not going hungry). Control (but not enough) of prices for medicines. The system is not perfect and needs some changes but it works. The basic premise lies on soladarity. All employers and employees are required to pay for the insurance - each to 50%. The premiums are based on a fix percentage of earnings up to a capped maximum. For unemployed and retired the same rule applies but the government pays the other half. Those on welfare pay nothing.
    2. On December 10, 1948 the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
    Here is Article 25:
    Article 25.

    * (1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.
    * (2) Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.

    Thus... medical care is a basic human right. This should be held somewhat higher than the US civil right to bear arms...

    Great blog..



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