
Showing posts from June, 2014

Miss Maple Muffins

So I love all things Maple. Seriously. I would almost trade chocolate for maple sugar candy. Almost. It was a favorite treat growing up. Finding out you are diabetic is hard enough. Learning Maple sugar candy is out? Oh my goodness. But wait. What is this I have found on Amazon? Maple Extract? Can it be? Can I make something totally Maple and delicious without the sugar? It was a gamble to be sure. Especially with our current houseguest being a native Vermonter with his own affinity for Maple. But my daughter and I had our sights set on it. Well, truthfully, we figured out how to make a Maple glaze icing. You know the kind at the donut shop? We also figured out how to make a Cherry. And about 6 other flavors. What can I tell you, it was mother daughter bonding time. Fill a bowl with powdered sweetener, add a little cream, then divide into little dishes and add different extracts for flavor. The Maple was so good we wanted more. We just didn't have anything to glaze. She did sug...