My Mayan Bucket List
Since according to the Mayan Calendar, this is pretty much it, I've started on my bucket list. It isn't your usual bucket list. It's really more of a seize the moment kind of deal. As a lifelong procrastinator, I've decided to finally change my ways. Not all at once mind you. And maybe not today, or even tomorrow... but sooner rather than later. So what have I done thus far during this year of the cataclysmic event? Well, I finally purchased a new phone. Well, the old one died, but still, I bought a new one with new gadgets that I actually intend to figure out how to use. I'd been investigating this potential purchase for a while. Asking the experts and those who just think they are. Got no consensus at all so I went with Maxxie, short for Maxine. Yep. The cartoon character. Says it all. And I'd certainly put Maxxie up against Siri any day. One night I got up to turn the ringer off at 3am. The next morning, there was a message from Maxxie. Did I want her t...