How sad we've all become
I find it amazing. On Facebook, you can spread a story in about 90 seconds across a million miles. Usually it ends up being untrue. Now truth on the other hand, well, try to spread a little of that and you'll be shut down in 90 seconds flat. I find it incredibly disturbing. If you ask people to copy and paste a post that's been copied and pasted over and over, they will do it. Because it's already been done. No risk. Ask them to share something real and powerful... they simply move on. Fear? Or simply social insecurities. If you post it, maybe someone will unfriend you. Or worse, maybe people just don't really give a damn. I used to complain that people were on Facebook and not posting. Just creeping. Now they post every little tiny detail of their life. Every single one. Good gravy. I don't need to know about your irritable bowel. Or your hangnail. I just don't. So while I recognize that I've chastised you in the past for not participating... now I'...